Tips To Lose Weight And Burn Belly Fat

July 12, 2022

Health & Beauty

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Obesity affects health and well-being. Losing weight is therefore at the top of the list of good resolutions for many people. However, implementation is often difficult.

Get to know your body properly

Many middle-aged people who have never had weight problems suddenly realize that last summer’s clothes just don’t fit anymore. After a certain age, the need for nutrients gradually decreases. The body gets by with less food. If you then continue to eat your usual portions, weight gain will inevitably result. A change in living conditions can also lead to weight fluctuations just like some diseases that affect the metabolism.

Hormone balance

A persistent lack of thyroid hormones can lead to a significant increase in body weight. The falling level of female hormones during menopause is also often reflected in noticeable weight changes. Older men have similar effects, only the processes are less abrupt in them.

Blood values

Being overweight can affect blood test results over time. Blood sugar, cholesterol or uric acid levels are often elevated. These may already be the first harbingers of diseases that can be triggered by obesity or an unhealthy diet. Type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease are typical examples.

burn belly fat

Eating habits can help burn belly fat

You often eat too much and too quickly. And you often eat the wrong thing. Many people have long since lost the original feeling for what you need and what is good for you. In the clocked daily routine, people eat when it is time and not when you’re hungry. And it has to be done as quickly as possible. Even before the natural feeling of satiety can set in, you have already eaten a much too large portion.

In addition, many fast food dishes and snacks contain too much sugar and fat. You find the combination of the two nutrients to be particularly tasty, but you only get it in very small portions.

Way of life

An active and fulfilling lifestyle helps you burn belly fat. Lack of drive, on the other hand, can become a problem. Getting slim is a challenge. Health can also be a major hurdle. Certain medications can promote obesity. These include cortisone and some psychotropic drugs. There is also a familial predisposition to obesity. But genes alone are rarely the cause of obesity.

Excessive calorie intake or eating the wrong foods must also be factors. Drinking should also be mentioned on this occasion. Alcohol and soft drinks are proven fatteners. However, Ikaria lean belly juice is a healthy alternative to soft drinks. This juice will help you stay healthy and fit.