Tag: Factors to Consider

Cosmetic Surgery : Important Factors to Consider Before Undergoing a Procedure

October 16, 2021

Cosmetic Surgery

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While many of us are not fortunate to have been born with eye-catching physical features, we still try to improve or enhance our fairly regular appearance. This is usually because we are sometimes driven by a natural desire to look good. Some of us simply use cosmetics, follow skin care routines, stay on a healthy diet, exercise and if necessary, make some lifestyle changes. Still, some prefer to undergo cosmetic surgery, especially if their physical features have been the cause of unhappiness that has been affecting the way they live their lives.

If you are one who is currently considering cosmetic surgery as a way to achieve life-changing improvements, it’s important to think carefully before making a decision to do so, Undergoing surgery for the purpose of altering what you think as your physical flaw has risks, not only in terms of health and safety but also on your economic conditions.


Our advice is for you to first consult with your doctor since the risk levels of cosmetic surgery depend on your health in relation to the type of cosmetic surgery you intend to have, Moreover, talking or getting insights from someone who has undergone cosmetic surgery before, will help you have a more realistic view and expectations on how cosmetic can alter your life.

The Outcomes of Cosmetic Surgery are Not Always Permanent

Cosmetic surgery isn’t indefinite as the factors that hasten skin aging are still found in our surroundings. In order to remain youthful, it is important to be shielded against sun exposure, avoid drugs and alcohol, refrain from smoking, maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise.

Cosmetic surgeries can be costly as its total cost includes the surgeon’s fees, operating facility fees, anesthesia fees, and medicines given before and after the surgery. Not only that, there are other expenses including follow-up treatments, surgical touch-ups, and office visits.

Insurance Providers Do Not Cover Cosmetic Surgery, Not Unless…

Insurance coverage doesn’t usually include elective cosmetic surgery expenses as it is only for aesthetics. However, it would be included in a type of insurance coverage when the surgery that alters physical appearances are done purely for medical reasons.

A  health clinic  will accept insurance coverage that include  Reconstructive Surgery procedure if it:

Improves the patient’s physical function for example, a rhinoplasty that would improve nasal function;

Breast reduction for when large breasts limit a person’s activities, and cause pain;

Breast reconstruction post-surgery in order to remove mastectomy or breast cancer and;

Treatment of disfigurement or severe scars caused by injury, birth defects, or disease.

Availability of Health Care Costs After Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery

Several women who had breast implants done have experienced troubles in acquiring health care coverage. Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act stops health insurance companies from turning down people insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions. This includes health problems that are caused by or are side effects of cosmetic surgery.


Usually, the reason for difficulties in acquiring health care coverage is mostly because of how expensive it is. Health care coverages that are considering pre-existing conditions are charged by companies with higher premiums, limit their coverage, or require them higher deductible.
Other insurance companies do not even consider cosmetic surgery as a pre-existing condition, denying people of coverage, insurance, and even renewing their policies.