Various areas of our body and our health can be influenced by nutrition alone. These include general well-being and mood, skin, defenses, and intestinal activity. The vagina also seems to be influenced by diet. With the right foods, you can positively influence vaginal health and functionality, counteract infections and reduce cramps during your period. What is the truth about the “vagina food” trend? How can vaginal discomfort reduce? Aside from the advice that you can get from your mama ginekoloq bakı (midwife, gynecologist, Baku), we have put together some small tips for you that you can try out for yourself.
Prebiotics and probiotics
The importance of prebiotics and probiotics are mainly known in the field of healthy intestinal flora. But also for the vaginal area is a diet that builds on it. Probiotic bacteria are living microorganisms. These beneficial bacteria are very important for fighting infections and maintaining the natural pH of a particular area of the body. Prebiotic foods include garlic, leeks, and onions. Probiotic foods include yogurt, cucumbers, and sauerkraut, among others.
The intake of these foods, for example, promotes the production of lactic acid. This is particularly important for the genital area, as it causes the acidic environment of the zone. This is the only way to ensure that harmful pathogens have a hard time entering the interior of the body or settling and multiplying.
Healthy fats
You probably already know this tip from other nutritional advice for a generally healthy diet: Take healthy fats. They are contained, for example, in nuts, almond oils, avocados, and flaxseed. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus have a great influence on our health. These “good” fats should also be on the menu for the balance of the vaginal flora. They regulate cholesterol levels and estrogen levels. If both are in a natural balance, this contributes to a healthy vaginal flora, which in turn protects us from pathogens and infections.
By the way, omega-3 also has a very positive effect on many patients during their periods. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects can help relieve menstrual pain and promote overall well-being. Likewise, magnesium can serve as a natural seizure.
Eat fresh ingredients
In the diet, care should be taken to eat fresh ingredients and cook more often yourself. Herbs also have numerous vitamins and nutrients that promote our health. If, on the other hand, we turn to processed and industrially produced foods, many of these positive aspects are lost. Instead, we take additives that can harm our immune system. This in turn is often reflected in the genital area and can make it more irritable and susceptible.
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Reduce sugary foods
Sugar can harm lactobacilli. As a result, they can no longer perform their tasks easily or they even die. A lower number of lactobacilli can, among other things, cause the pH value of the intimate area to be disturbed, which makes it more susceptible to infections and irritation or irritation, for example. Therefore, it may be advisable to reduce the consumption of sugar and sugary foods such as sweets.
Counteract vaginal dryness – tofu can help
A declining estrogen level usually brings vaginal dryness with it. Especially during menopause, many women notice this change. Vaginal dryness, in turn, can increase the risk of infections and contribute to pain during sexual intercourse. The hormone estrogen, on the other hand, promotes vaginal moisture and ensures that the vagina remains elastic.
Some foods contain so-called isoflavones. These are estrogen-mimicking plant substances. They are mainly contained in low-processed soy products such as tofu or edamame. Eating these foods can reduce vaginal dryness.
Circulation-promoting effect of apples?
Apples contain the flavonoid phlorizin. It is similar to the female sex hormone estradiol. Apples also contain polyphenols. These two substances are said to promote blood circulation. This also has a positive effect on the vaginal area, which is not only better supplied with blood and remains young but is also supplied with more moisture. On the one hand, this contributes to general well-being and, on the other hand, it also has a positive influence on sexual life.
Don’t forget: drink a lot!
In order to promote the health of the intimate zone, an adequate supply of water should not be neglected. Fluid is important for our body to perform its functions without disturbances. In addition, drinking a lot ensures that we empty the bladder more often and thus flush pathogens from the body and from the genital area. Furthermore, drinking a lot can counteract unpleasant odors.
dietvaginal health
The Effects of Food and Diet on Vaginal Health
November 27, 2022
Comments Off on The Effects of Food and Diet on Vaginal Health
Gabriella Bobbie
Various areas of our body and our health can be influenced by nutrition alone. These include general well-being and mood, skin, defenses, and intestinal activity. The vagina also seems to be influenced by diet. With the right foods, you can positively influence vaginal health and functionality, counteract infections and reduce cramps during your period. What is the truth about the “vagina food” trend? How can vaginal discomfort reduce? Aside from the advice that you can get from your mama ginekoloq bakı (midwife, gynecologist, Baku), we have put together some small tips for you that you can try out for yourself.
Prebiotics and probiotics
The importance of prebiotics and probiotics are mainly known in the field of healthy intestinal flora. But also for the vaginal area is a diet that builds on it. Probiotic bacteria are living microorganisms. These beneficial bacteria are very important for fighting infections and maintaining the natural pH of a particular area of the body. Prebiotic foods include garlic, leeks, and onions. Probiotic foods include yogurt, cucumbers, and sauerkraut, among others.
The intake of these foods, for example, promotes the production of lactic acid. This is particularly important for the genital area, as it causes the acidic environment of the zone. This is the only way to ensure that harmful pathogens have a hard time entering the interior of the body or settling and multiplying.
Healthy fats
You probably already know this tip from other nutritional advice for a generally healthy diet: Take healthy fats. They are contained, for example, in nuts, almond oils, avocados, and flaxseed. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect and thus have a great influence on our health. These “good” fats should also be on the menu for the balance of the vaginal flora. They regulate cholesterol levels and estrogen levels. If both are in a natural balance, this contributes to a healthy vaginal flora, which in turn protects us from pathogens and infections.
By the way, omega-3 also has a very positive effect on many patients during their periods. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects can help relieve menstrual pain and promote overall well-being. Likewise, magnesium can serve as a natural seizure.
Eat fresh ingredients
In the diet, care should be taken to eat fresh ingredients and cook more often yourself. Herbs also have numerous vitamins and nutrients that promote our health. If, on the other hand, we turn to processed and industrially produced foods, many of these positive aspects are lost. Instead, we take additives that can harm our immune system. This in turn is often reflected in the genital area and can make it more irritable and susceptible.
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Reduce sugary foods
Sugar can harm lactobacilli. As a result, they can no longer perform their tasks easily or they even die. A lower number of lactobacilli can, among other things, cause the pH value of the intimate area to be disturbed, which makes it more susceptible to infections and irritation or irritation, for example. Therefore, it may be advisable to reduce the consumption of sugar and sugary foods such as sweets.
Counteract vaginal dryness – tofu can help
A declining estrogen level usually brings vaginal dryness with it. Especially during menopause, many women notice this change. Vaginal dryness, in turn, can increase the risk of infections and contribute to pain during sexual intercourse. The hormone estrogen, on the other hand, promotes vaginal moisture and ensures that the vagina remains elastic.
Some foods contain so-called isoflavones. These are estrogen-mimicking plant substances. They are mainly contained in low-processed soy products such as tofu or edamame. Eating these foods can reduce vaginal dryness.
Circulation-promoting effect of apples?
Apples contain the flavonoid phlorizin. It is similar to the female sex hormone estradiol. Apples also contain polyphenols. These two substances are said to promote blood circulation. This also has a positive effect on the vaginal area, which is not only better supplied with blood and remains young but is also supplied with more moisture. On the one hand, this contributes to general well-being and, on the other hand, it also has a positive influence on sexual life.
Don’t forget: drink a lot!
In order to promote the health of the intimate zone, an adequate supply of water should not be neglected. Fluid is important for our body to perform its functions without disturbances. In addition, drinking a lot ensures that we empty the bladder more often and thus flush pathogens from the body and from the genital area. Furthermore, drinking a lot can counteract unpleasant odors.
dietvaginal health